31 outubro 2018


crédito imagem: https://www.unileverfoodsolutions.com.br


- 1 garlic;

- chopped parsley and chives (about 3 tablespoons, it can not be too much if it does not take away the taste of the garlic, it is only to give color);

- 1 tablespoon of butter or olive oil;

- 1 pot of mayonnaise of the brand of your preference (500g).

Method of preparation

Cut the garlic into thin slices. Heat a pan, put the butter or olive oil and saute the garlic.

Then let it cool.

In the blender, put the whole mayonnaise, the parsley and chives, the garlic lettuce after cold.

Beat well until smooth.

Then transfer the mayonnaise to a bowl with a lid, store in the refrigerator.

Source https://www.beautyinforlife.com/2016/12/receita-do-dia-maionese-de-alho-poro.html


crédito imagem: MdeMulher

Who does not love carrot cake with chocolate syrup? And the children then? I always do this, my son loves and there is nothing left in the house!

Check out:


2 cups chopped raw carrot tea
1 cup sugar tea
1 cup of oil
4 eggs
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 cups of wheat flour
1 tablespoon full of baking powder

3 tablespoons of chocolate
1 and 1/2 tablet of claybom
12 tablespoons of sugar
10 tablespoons milk

Beat all ingredients in the blender, except flour and baking powder

After that, in a large bowl mix well the batter beaten with the flour and the yeast

Place on a tray greased with butter and sprinkled with sugar or flour

Preheat oven to 180 ° for about 40 minutes or until golden brown.


Mix all ingredients and bring to the boil

Punch holes in the still hot cake and pour over it

I got the recipe on the site that I love Tudo Gostoso!


Who does not love a passion fruit mousse there?

Besides being delicious it is super practical and quick to make. Do you know when that unexpected visit comes and you have nothing to serve or do so quickly?

Go of mousse that is success!

Check out this super easy recipe


1 can of condensed milk

1 can of sour cream

1 measure of condensed milk can of concentrated passion fruit juice

If you prefer more consistent add revenue

1 passion fruit gelatin diluted in 250 ml of water

Method of preparation

Beat all ingredients (condensed milk, sour cream, concentrated passion fruit juice and optional gelatin) in the blender;
Pour the contents into a refractory or into individual bowls;
Add the passion fruit pulp over the mousse;
Put to freeze for at least 3 hours;
Serve cold.


    crédito: entrepanelas.net

    Ingredients of blender cheese bread

    3 cups of sour sprinkles

    1 cup of oil

    1 cup milk

    1 cup of grated cheese

    1 pinch of salt

    3 eggs

    Method of preparation

    In the blender, beat the oil with the milk and the eggs until smooth.

    Add the sour sprinkles, the grated cheese and the pinch of salt and beat quickly, just to incorporate them.

    In a bowl of pie or cupcake, put the dough 2/3 of the way.

    Bake in a preheated oven at 180º C for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

    You can also use this batter to make a frying pan cheese loaf!

    To do this, place a ladle of the batter in the already heated skillet and let it brown on low heat.

    Using a spatula, turn the cheese bread to brown on the other side.

    Is ready!

    At mealtime, how about you serve your blender cheese bread with some delicious side dishes? In TudoGostoso, you find recipes for curd cheese, cream cheese, guava, hazelnut cream, dulce de leche and many others. Use creativity and good appetite!


    fonte https://www.panelinha.com.br/receita/Bolo-de-ricota-com-maca

    I love the recipes of Rita Lobo's practical cooking program. It has a site, panelinha.com.br with delicious recipes.

    I saw this cake and I loved to share it with you!

    1 fuji apple
    1 cup of crushed ricotta
    1 cup of wheat flour
    1 cup sugar
    100 g butter at room temperature
    3 eggs
    1 tablespoon baking powder
    ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
    zest of 1 Sicilian lemon (or orange)
    1 pinch of salt
    butter and wheat flour to sprinkle and sprinkle the flour
    Powdered sugar and cinnamon powder to taste to sprinkle
    Preheat the oven to 180 ° C (average temperature). Grease a round baking pan with a hole in the middle of 24 cm in diameter. Sprinkle with flour, shake to spread and beat well over sink to remove excess.
    In a small bowl, combine the flour with the baking powder. Wash and cut the apple into quarters. Discard the seeds and, using the bark to protect the hands, pass the apple through the thick part of the grater, set aside.
    Put the butter on the mixer and beat until pale. Decrease the speed, add the sugar gradually and let it beat until it forms a light cream - if necessary, stop hitting and scraping the side of the bowl with a spatula to mix the ingredients well.
    In a small bowl, break one egg at a time and add to the butter cream, beating well between each addition to incorporate. Add the crushed ricotta, a pinch of salt and beat just to mix - at this time the dough may seem cut, do not worry it is anyway.
    Undo the bowl of the mixer, add the grated apple, lemon zest, cinnamon and mix with a spatula. Gradually add the flour mixture with yeast, always sifting. Stir gently with the spatula with each addition.
    Transfer the batter to the prepared pan and level the batter with the back of a spoon. Bake for about 30 minutes until the surface begins to brown. To check the point, stick a toothpick: if it comes out clean is ready, otherwise let it roast for a few more minutes.
    Let cake cake for 20 minutes before unmolding. Cover the pan with a dish and turn it all at once, let the cake cool. When serving, sprinkle with a mixture of icing sugar and cinnamon to taste. It is a delight with macerated orange wedges.

    I loved you?

    Source https://www.panelinha.com.br/receita/Bolo-de-ricota-com-maca

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