22 novembro 2018


imagem ilustrativa - crédito divulgação

The most magical time of the year approaches, and with it the delicious preparations that fill the Christmas table like the Panetone, that divides different opinions and tastes.

So when it comes to health, you need moderation of this loaf of bread. "The conventional version is rich in sugar, refined flour and vegetable shortening, and can compromise weight management or even cause discomfort like intestinal discomfort," says Karla Maciel, nutritional consultant at E4.

To maintain the Christmas mood and not give up the healthy, the nutritionist indicates smart replacements and teaches to prepare Panetone itself. "The chosen ingredients maintains the texture of a panettone, without neglecting the supply of fibers for intestinal functioning, vitamins and minerals to the cells throughout the body and energy, in the form of complex carbohydrates and quality," he says.

According to her, this alternative is an opportunity to vary and discover new sensations in the gastronomy. "In addition to maintaining the flavor of the tradition that many people appreciate, it still adds nutrients to our body," he explains.

Nutritious Panettone Recipe



1 tablespoon instant dry yeast

½ cup (tea) orange juice

1 tablespoon coconut sugar

1 cup of rice flour


3 eggs

½ cup (tea) coconut oil

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon panettone essence

½ cup (tea) gluten-free oatmeal

1 cup of sweet sprinkles

1 teaspoon of CMC or xanthan gum

¾ cup of brown sugar

½ teaspoon of salt

1 cup (sour) bittersweet chocolate 70% chopped

1 cup of raisins

1 cup of oilseeds (nuts, almonds and nuts)

Method of preparation


Dissolve the yeast in the orange juice, add the coconut sugar and ¾ cup of rice flour. Let rest for 1 hour and set aside.


Beat eggs in a blender until whitish, add coconut oil, vinegar and panettone essence and then dry ingredients (oatmeal, sweetcorn, CMC or xanthan gum, brown sugar and salt) sifted, together with the sponge (the dough after pre-fermentation).

Incorporate the chocolate (70% cocoa), raisins and oilseeds to the dough and arrange the mixture into mini panettone shapes, covering halfway and letting them rest for 10 minutes.

Put panetones in a baking dish and bake at 180˚C for 30 minutes, on average.

Take the toothpick test: if you put it in the dough it comes out clean, it means that it is already roasted.

Finally, decorate as you like with loops and dried or fresh fruit.

Once ready, this dish can be eaten in the way you prefer. "It can be frozen, leaving some time in the refrigerator, or room temperature accompanied by a coffee." Still, for the active and fitness enthusiast, E4 nutritional consultant Karla Maciel recommends it as a pre-workout because it is a good source of energy.

Always remember to avoid the excesses in the portions "Do not exaggerate in the quantities, always maintain the nutritional balance!", He concludes.

21 novembro 2018


Imagem ilustrativa - crédito Sabores Ajinomoto
A super delicious recipe that, in my opinion, can not miss at Christmas, is the salpicão.

Super easy to practice to make and very yummy!

Let's check the recipe I always make!

You will need:

1 packet of straw potato

cooked and shredded chicken breast

black and green olives

300 grams of chopped ham (can be pork or turkey, to your liking)

2 grated carrots (I prefer the thin drain, but who likes can be in the thick)

2 chopped apples

green smell


raisins (if you like, if you do not like it, do not need to)

1 can of green corn without the water (if you do not like, do not need to put)

How to prepare:

Cook the chicken, I put seasoning, not need for salt after. Cook with garlic and salt.

Scroll and set aside.

Grate the carrots.

Chop the olives, the apple, the minced green scent.

Leave everything ready, take a large container, put all the ingredients, except the potato straw and the mayonnaise, let last, thoroughly mix everything. Put the potato straw, mix and lastly the mayonnaise, more or less, to your liking. I like neither too wet nor too dry, have to by to give a good taste!

Capriche and savor with your family!

Cris's Kisses

20 novembro 2018


crédito teretetenacozinha

O Natal já se aproxima e é hora de começar a pensar no que vai ser servido na sua ceia para a sua família. 

Uma opção deliciosa são os bolos natalinos, que podem substituir os panetones, que muitas vezes as pessoas não gostam e dar uma variada na sua mesa é sempre bom!

Por isso, hoje, a receita é super prática e rápida de fazer. Vamos conferir. É um bolo natalino, com iogurte e frutas cristalizadas, fácil de fazer, no liquidificador.


01 pote de iogurte natural, pode ser sem sabor ou com mel.

1/2 copo de óleo, uso sempre de canola, prefiro.
02 copos de açúcar mascavo, dá aquela corzinha diferente no bolo.
02 copos de farinha de trigo peneirada.
03 ovos inteiros.
01 colher de (sopa) de fermento em pó.
01 xícara de frutas cristalizadas e uva passas clara ou escura, de sua preferência.
Algumas gotinhas de laranja ou se tiver, de essência de panetone caso goste.

Modo de preparo:
Bata o iogurte, os ovos, o açúcar e o óleo no liquidificador.  Em uma tigela coloque o trigo peneirado juntamente com o fermento, adicione o liquido que foi batido no liquidificador,a essência ( a gosto) e mexa ate misturar bem, despeje a massa em uma fôrma de buraco central de 24 cm de diâmetro untado e enfarinhado.  Coloque a metade da massa, adicione a metade das fruas e passas, coloque o restante da massa e finalize com o restante das frutas e passas.
Super prático de fazer não é mesmo?
Essa receitinha eu fiz e peguei do site da Teretete na cozinha. 
Espero que tenham gostado!
Beijos da Cris

17 novembro 2018


It may seem unusual, but the combination of watermelon and banana gives a delicious and nutritious juice. Ideal for a snack, this juice is super easy to prepare.

You will need:

1/4 of a large watermelon;

2 ripe silver bananas;

Method of preparation:

Pass the watermelon in a juicer or centrifuge. If not, place the pieces of watermelon in a clean dishcloth and squeeze to remove all the juice from the watermelon.

Do not use blender because it will have to be watered and will become super watery and loses its flavor.

After the juice is extracted, place in the blender and add the 2 chopped bananas. Hit well.

Tip: Let the watermelon freeze from overnight so you do not need to put ice.

It does not take anything to sweeten, because the fruit already has enough sweet.

It yields about 1 liter.

14 novembro 2018


crédito: Marilan Alimentos
Finally the holiday is coming! If you have not programmed anything already, you can start inviting friends to a date and think of delicious recipes to enjoy with them in style.

Thinking about it, Marilan teaches you how to make a "Canapé of ricotta with caramelized onion" super tasty, easy and ideal for those who do not want to spend hours in the kitchen.

There is nothing better than learning new prescriptions to enter the anticipated climate of "Sextou".

Good holiday!

Canapé of Salgadinhos with Ricotta and Caramelized Onion

Yield: 30 units

Preparation time: 30 minutes


30 assorted salads MARILAN

1 cup of ricotta sifted through the sieve

3 tablespoons cold cream

½ teaspoon of salt

½ teaspoon fresh thyme

½ cup sugar

2 tablespoons water

2 tablespoons margarine

2 large chopped onions

To decorate:

Fresh thyme

Method of preparation:

In a bowl, combine the ricotta, the cream, the salt, the thyme until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Reserve.

In a frying pan, combine sugar and water. Cook over high heat, without stirring, for 3 minutes or until dark caramel point.

Add the margarine, onion and cook over medium heat for another 5 minutes or until the onions turn golden. Reserve.


Put a portion of the pasta in the MARILAN Assorted Snacks and on the pasta, a portion of caramelized onion.

Arrange the canapés on a platter and garnish with thyme. Serve immediately.

Chef's tip: Ride the canapés just before serving!

Note: post sponsored by Marilan Alimentos.

13 novembro 2018


crédito divulgação
Much is heard about sweet and spicy paprika. But do you know where it comes from?

Paprika is a spice made from dried or ground pepper, typical of Hungary. And the word paprika, comes from the name chili in Hungarian.


The paprika exists in two versions: sweet or spicy. What changes is the variety of chili used and the manufacturing process. "Generally the most ardent and light-colored paprika is produced with the seedless pepper. The dark paprika is sweet, prepared with seeds ", explains Adriana Almeida, culinarista. However, this rule has exception, since there are several types of pepper and pepper that give rise to the seasoning.

The sweet paprika is so named because it is not spicy like the spicy version. Of quite soft flavor, it is used mainly to color diverse dishes. Those who seek a more pronounced taste should give preference to spicy paprika.

For beginners in the kitchen, the culinarian suggests trying the spice on simple dishes such as rice, baked potato or chicken preparations (see recipe below). Fish, meat, poultry, canapés, eggs, salted pies and sauces can also carry the ingredient. Another tasty tip is to splash paprika over fries.

Care must be taken, however, not to boil the condiment, as it can give a bitter taste to food. "The paprika can go on fire for a short time, at most five minutes, and the ideal is to add it to the end of the recipe," teaches Adriana Almeida.

The good news is that in addition to giving more flavor to the recipes, paprika also has benefits for the body. It improves the health of the heart and eyes, helps in the treatment of diabetes and autoimmune diseases and is rich in antioxidants.

To enjoy these beneficial effects for the body, just use one teaspoon to two tablespoons (depending on the dish) in the day to day recipes.

Do you like to know more about this seasoning?

Source The Women's Magazine

12 novembro 2018


crédito divulgação
Is it healthy to consume canned food? Although practical and easy to prepare, will it really be that we should consume them? So the post today, well explanatory, will help you know how to consume this type of food in a healthy way! Check out!

Although the ingredients in natura are the most advisable, the processed ones have been gaining more space in the table of the Brazilians

When the matter is time the answer is almost unanimous: rush. Modern life has facilitated many processes, but in contrast, the ability to manage multiple concurrent projects makes people increasingly busy. The impression it gives is that 24 hours is still too little to accomplish all the tasks, especially one: cooking. That is why fast-food chains and frozen dishes are so successful today. People are looking for practicality and the industry tries to meet this demand with a wide range of ready-to-eat foods.

Fruits, fish, vegetables and even full meals. There are a myriad of handy and affordable canned foods in the gondolas of any supermarket. It's so easy that it's tempting, is not it? But can these products actually replace the natural ingredients? Most people's doubts are about the quality of these foods. According to experts, there are some threats around this consumption, however, with due care is possible to incorporate them into the diet, sporadically, without risk.

Maize, palm hearts and fish are the most consumed
When it comes to canned foods, most people believe that these foods can help make a balanced meal. According to the survey "Brazilian Food Habits - preferences, diets and consumption trends", which had 1,021 participants from different regions of the country in the 2018 edition, 56.2% of consumers believe in this premise and consume such foods. On the other hand, 44% of them believe that the preservatives present in these products harm the diet.

Still according to the exclusive survey, carried out by Banca do Ramon, one of the most traditional emporiums of the Municipal Market of São Paulo, among the canned ones mentioned, those that the respondents affirmed to eat with a frequency, even more, than the own in natura , canned canned tuna (22%) and canned sardine (12%), canned maize (27%), canned tuna (25%), canned tuna (22%). Even if they are grains, vegetables and fish, these foods are industrialized and deserve more attention when making the recipes.

Where is the danger?
Any food that undergoes a process of industrialization must be consumed with caution. They deserve increased attention, from the time of shopping, when the product is chosen, until the time when it is used in the preparation of the dishes. According to nutritionist Juliana Tomandl, a consultant at Banca do Ramon, drilled, kneaded or steeled cans are signs of danger and therefore should not be consumed. "You have to pay extra attention to the choice of product, after all, if there are signs of holes, it means that food has been exposed to light, moisture, pollution and dust accumulated in the environment. In addition, the material constituting the can can be mixed with the stored ingredient, rendering it unfit for consumption. "

Excess Chemical Additives
The specialist explains that these accidents in tin cans can harm the whole quality of the food and, consequently, cause allergies, discomforts or intestinal damage. In relation to the stewed cans, Tomandl states that this indicates that the food entered into fermentation process of microorganisms and underwent chemical reactions unsuitable for consumption.

In addition, there are other factors that contribute to the bad reputation of the canned ones, one of them is the excess of salt that, in spite of enhancing the taste, causes the increase of the blood pressure and favors the retention of liquids. In the case of fruits in syrup, the sugar used is the biggest harmful agent to health, since it is capable of causing insulin surges in the blood and overload the functioning of the pancreas - the organ responsible for the production of this hormone. Therefore, according to the expert, the syrup of these canned fruits should not be consumed under any circumstances.

Not to mention the preservatives and other chemical components used to preserve the flavor of the ingredients. To help minimize this factor, the tip of the nutritionist is to choose, where possible, those who have been steamed, as this method requires fewer chemicals. But do not stop there, there are other details that deserve attention to ensure more safety.

10 novembro 2018


crédito: divulgação

We are not in a party season, but a creamy cassava cake, no one dispenses. Too delicious and so I will share with you this wonderful recipe!

Let's go to recipe


- 1 kg peeled manioc

- 5 eggs

- 1 can of condensed milk

- The same measure (of the can) of milk

- 1 cup sugar tea

- 2 tablespoons butter

- 1 glass of coconut milk (200 ml)

- 2 cups freshly grated coconut

Method of preparation

Cook cassava until it softens and separate, then remove the hardest parts of cassava and mix the same with the other ingredients and beat all in the blender for 2 minutes at full power. Then just put the dough in a greased form and take it to the preheated oven 200º for 40 minutes and you are ready your cassava cake practical and delicious.

I know cassava cake made with it raw, but I really enjoyed that recipe and it should look delicious and easy to make.

I hope you enjoyed!


Today is Chris's tip day!

And to increase that daily dish, the tip is Visconti's straw potato.

I always use that brand name and I love the variety of spices and types.


She has the extra fine, very thin, to accompany a stroganoff, to make that Christmas salpicão;

It has the chives and parsley, ideal to eat with that hot dog and sandwiches;

And the traditional one for several accompaniments, a chicken fritter, who knows!

I love this brand because it is dry and crispy!

Did you like the tip?

Find it easy in any supermarket near your home, for sure!

To the next!


Chicken Hideaway is an excellent choice for lunch.

Easy to make and yummy.

Youre gonna need it


1 kg cooked and shredded chicken breast

1/2 packet of tomato sauce (can be those sachets)

500g cooked potatoes

sliced ​​ham

sliced ​​mozzarella

olive oil to taste

parsley and chive


1 cup of milk

salt to taste

Method of preparation

Cook the potatoes and mash as usual. Crush the potato, put in a pan with butter the milk and the salt, let it cook a little.


Cook the chicken, defie, take the pan with olive oil, garlic, seasoning to your liking, the sauce, let it cook, to get wet. Put chopped parsley and chives.


Put some of the puree on the bottom of the platter, put the whole chicken, place a layer of sliced ​​ham, cover with the remaining puree and place the sliced ​​mozzarella on top to cover everything.

Capriche to be very tasty!

Bake until the cheese top gilds and melts.

Enjoy your food!

06 novembro 2018


The children love danoninho, do not they? This recipe is super easy and the result is very tasty !!!


1 can of condensed milk

2 boxes of sour cream

100ml whole milk

1 packet of strawberry juice powder

1 cup of plain yogurt

Method of preparation:

In a blender add all the ingredients and leave to beat for 5 minutes.

After pouring the mixture into a container or small cups, leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours. The longer you stay in the refrigerator, the better the result. Enjoy your food!!


(crédito divulgação)

Bolo mármore é ideal para um lanche da tarde, café da manhã, as crianças com certeza adoram, por isso a receita deve ser fácil e prática para o dia a dia! Vamos conferir!


4 ovos
2 xícaras de açúcar
1 pitada de sal
4 colheres de sopa de margarina
1 xícara de leite
4 xícaras de farinha de trigo
1 colher de sopa de fermento
4 colheres de sopa de achocolatado em pó ou chocolate em pó

Modo de preparo

No liquidificador coloque os ovos, o açúcar, a margarina, o pitada de sal. Bata até ficar cremoso. Depois coloque o leite e bata. 
Em uma tigela coloque o trigo e despeje o conteúdo do liquidificador aos poucos e vá misturando até formar uma massa homogênea. Bata bem com a colher mesmo. Por último coloque o fermento.

Depois em uma assadeira untada e polvilhada, de preferência essas assadeiras de pudim, coloque metade da massa e deixe a outra metade para misturar o chocolate. Misture bem e coloque a massa de chocolate por cima da outra.

Leve ao forno pré-aquecido para assar por aproximadamente 40  a 45 minutos.


(crédito google)

Who does not love a cookie with coffee? Corn cake is special for a coffee, a snack and a lot of people love it. And if it's easy to do then, no one talks!

This is super practical and you will love it!


2 ears of corn

1 and 1/2 cup of wheat

1 and 1/2 cup sugar

5 eggs

1 cup of milk

1 pinch of salt

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 cup of oil

Way of doing:

Remove the corn from the spike, beat with the oil, milk and eggs in the blender for about five minutes.

Sift the sugar, flour and yeast in a bowl and slowly pour in the liquid, mixing slowly until it turns homogeneous. Place on a greased and sprinkled baking sheet and bake for about 40 minutes.

Now just savor!

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